This is usually seen in people with a long thoracic kyphosis. Its really taken a toll on me. Thank you for your reply and advice! If so where do I need to work on to correct this problem I also have got upper back pain could this weakness be causing that to maybe? One more thing, you know when you lay on your back, with your feet flat on the floor so your knees are bent.. Well when I do that my lower back arches. Should I work with these exercises and stretches daily? And can I do the bodyweight exercises during the correction process? The weight of the belly (especially during pregnancy and in the overweight) can tilt the pelvis forward and pull the lower back into excessive extension. Yes it is possible to regain your normal lumbar curve with the exercises if the muscles mentioned in the blog posts are causing your hyperlordosis. Have difficulty picking my feet up when I walk. Hi himanshu, It was suggested by a personal trainer. Let's talk about how to fix anterior pelvic tilt while walking. Hi Mark, They come in different firmness depending on your tolerance. 2) Xray would be the most accurate. Is there any positions u recommend for sleep? My query is, what exercise should I follow? (without pain). Can the hyperlordosis be responsible for my knee problems? You can do that doing these exercises. I weighed 150,5kg. Hi Mark, I realize this post is quite old so I hope you still check comments. Forward head, rounded shoulders, hunchback, hyperlordosis. I recently also dislocated a shoulder, what exercises for my back do you suggest given my temporary limited mobility with my arm? Thanks! Also, check to see if you have a corresponding rib flare. Will report back. (Eg. It might relate to you. I am worried that if I try and fix all at the same time I will take on too much and probably just end up giving up! I have very high arches and some heel strike that I could tell wasnt insignificant from the podiatrist explanation. (Have a quick youtube search on how to do it). I dont understand why this is causing my tail bone to hurt so bad. I am not talking about posture braces, but actual professional equipment to help with the exercises. Posture braces are fine for the short term. If you have pain and/or stiffness in the shoulder, it is likely that you will also over arch the lower back as a compensation as you reach over head. Commonly an Anterior pelvic tilt will occur with a hyperlordosis. This post might help: How to fix flared ribs. A lateral view of your Lumbar spine via X-ray scan can be used to determine if you have an arched lower back. Please help!! They can definitely help with excessive hyperlordosis. First of all a big fat thanks to you for all your blogs. Thanks for your detailed explanation! Because of this, and probably some other factors, I have quite some postural issues. They are usually combined with a whole lot of other stuff as well. My pain is constant and worsens as he Day goes on, the more I use my arms. If you do not have APT but have a hyperlordosis, then there must be something going on with your upper spine too. I have got really tight quads which have become better by some stretching exercises. I do yoga at least once a week, walk and/or elliptical at least twice a week and usually dont have problems but if I go on a trip to say New York and walk all day and stand waiting on the wife to finish shopping I find my back starting to spasm to the point I almost cannot walk. Do you happen to know what the medical term would be for LOWER (instead of upper) curved back? 1. In terms of which one to start with, theres really no wrong area to start with. I have a stretch routine I do nightly before bed, but I often wake up in the same amount of pain. Even at 15 months, round sitting caused him pain. I suspect this happenes due to my extensive lordosis and weak core muscles. Move your body Aim to feel the contraction in the middle to upper spine. Waiting for your reply. I was always very small. 330 lb deadlifts just wont be reversed by holding legs 90 laying flat. This has been a problem for me my whole life! Pigeon pose It also depends on how long youve had it. Thanks, Kaite. 2) Then I flatten my lower back by rotating the pelvis and the rotated state is maintained by legs. I havent officially been diagnosed or anything. Surgical intervention to fix a lumbar hyperlordosis is not something that I have come across. Sir i am suffering from excessive lumber lordois like i can freely move my hand in the gap while standing straight with the wall now and i have this since birth due to some mishandling by the doctor while delivering me. Physical therapy and focused on strengthening my hips which they told me are weak some how. Hi Mr. Mark. Hip lift I have been in pain since 11/2014. I would be more incline to see what it happening the hip and foot level with knee issues. I am a 65 year-old woman with sometimes-excruciating back and leg pain. This could be leading to your pain! Hi Mark, Do you happen to have an anterior pelvic tilt? It sounds like you have a posterior disc bulge at the L5 region. Neither made any difference and I struggled to tolerate them. I do however struggle keeping a good posture. If I am very bloated, could it be there is another nutritional (or even nervous system related) issue to solve in addition to the weak abdominals? these exercises HAVE WORKED WONDERS. An anterior pelvic tilt means that your pelvis is rotated forward. The forward positioning of your pelvis forces the curve in your lower back to adopt a more extended position, known as hyperlordosis. This posture is sometimes referred to as the Donald Duck posture! Decreased athletic performance. Decreased spinal movement. More than 10 mins of walking makes my butt a little bit sore and back hurt a little bit. Where as, Hyperlordosis refers to the excessive arch of the lumbar spine. It started with spasms that were really painful. Thank you for generously sharing your knowledge. Thank you. I have episodical lower back pain and stiffness and (since reading this) I catch myself in a hunchback posture when sitting. As a result, your body may compensation by bending. Hello Doctor With your article, I hope to correct as much as possible to get back to the gym soon. So I was wondering if it would be ok doit on carpet . I have no pain or material damage to my spine, and am not fragile. I can get 10 MPW in 7 weeks. Hyperlordosis does not directly cause knee issues, but it may be related. I know that for some exercises if you do too little it doesnt make much of an impact. Apologies for a long message and Thanks in advance for your time and advise. I have also noticed slight right foot pronation. I am going to do your exercises, but the bridge exercise hurts me too much so I cant do that one. I cannot stand for more than 2-3 hours and cannot sit for more than 30-40 minutes. Thanks for replying so fast. My lordosis doesnt cause pain, though it is extreme, just its cosmetically awful. Straightening it out is similar to deadbug move I have to actively do it when laying down and hold it. WebA chiropractor can be a helpful resource during your treatment of a pelvic tilt but they should not be the sole treatment provider. I feel the need to ask you about one thing: you advise us to avoid doing any activities that require using hands above our head. An average hyperlordotic spine, if I were to guess, could make you shorter by ~1cm. If I need to fix so many things, how can I work out which exercises to do and how do I work out a routine (so to speak)? I am afraid that exercises for fixing my kyphosis are only gonna worsen my hyperlordosis. WebQuick Picks (7 Best Mattresses for Anterior Pelvic Tilt Correction) BEST OVERALL (EDITORS PICK) Puffy LUX. Relax your body weight on top of the ball. If there is definite fusion, then the shape of the lower back is not likely to change with these exercises. You should be able to flatten your back once you gain better control of your spine/pelvis. Id like to start doing the exercises you have mentioned but since I cant do all the exercises everyday it will be much helpful if you could suggest a everyday plan to be followed. Hi Mark, I did forget to mention that I also have lower rib flare. should i focus on one area and then start on another? Its called the Utkatasana pose. The deep lunge position is very similar to the lunging hip flexor stretch. So actually, this is a reversal of your lumbar lordosis which you would think is good.. but in this particular position, you would be loading (perhaps over loading) your muscles, joints, ligaments and discs. And I have an S shaped posture which means I have:- Check out this blog post: How to fix Anterior Pelvic Tilt. He feels it may be nerve pain as opposed to inflammation / Im not convinced as the pain burns constantly and worsens the more I move my arms and shoulders. But the lumbar films showed what my doc and the radiologist agreed looked like the spine of a div 2-ish contact college sport player who had played from a very young age (I never played contact sports). I feel like this is what I have but every time I go to a Chiro or PT, they tell me I have a rotated hip. Web2,854 likes, 142 comments - Katie - CSCS, CPT ( on Instagram: "Most people dont need to fix an anterior pelvic tilt, they need to fix a rib flare. Is this indication enough that my spine stays as flat as it should that I cannot get my finger underneath? due to muscale spams , so what should i do the fix this problem , i feel that my spain is not normal so please advise me what should i do? I have bulging disc in L4 and L5 also. Lie on your back with your knee and hip bent at 90 degrees. Click here for a post on how to perform them. This included specific coaching on how to hold a slight anterior pelvic tilt, and how to disassociate the trunk from the hips while bending forward. I am really confident I have APT, I have showed family members where the level part of my pelvis is and they seem to agree. Take note of the curve in the lower back. Thank you! What area you should be targeting. (and keeping the lower lumbar region relatively neutral as possible). Is there a possibility that someone has little bit APT, little bit hunchback , little bit flared ribs which in whole creates excessive hyperlordosis. He ordered X-rays to be done. I know it depends on the severity of the arch but how much height could a person loose if he has an average hyperlordotic spine? The tight muscles which are involved with increasing the arch in the lower back will need to be stretched. I would really appreciate some helpful feedback. You might need to focus on strengthening and control of the pelvis. I was just wondering because to me it seems like it would make the hperlordosis worse. It could be from standing over the sink washing dishes, or carrying something moderately heavy. I feel I may need surgery, customs chairs and things like this. So is it the result of weak abdominal muscles??? In the starting position, keep your knees higher towards your chest. I am Olivia and I am 30 years old, I have a slight arch in my lumbar region along with rounded shoulders. I noticed when I lay down the left side of my back is flat on the floor while the right side is up and I can fit more than a hand in there. (Muscle: Quadratus Lumborum, Latissimus Dorsi). I am not sure if you can completely fix your posture in 30 days, however, your shoulder and back pain should be able to be addressed to some degree in that time period. I have so far believed that I do have hyperlordosis, and I have been practicing stretches (including the ones you provided) and exercises for about two months. You will need to focus your attention on rounding the region of your spine where it arches backwards the most. If that improves the pain, then the pain might indeed be from the excessive lower back arch. Lift up your chest so that it isslightlyoff the ground. Strengthen abs, gluten hammies and stretch quads, psoas and lower back? The exercises might help with reducing the hyperlordosis, however, it also sounds like you would have to address the pelvis/hip femur complex as well. Thanks in advance, Milica. I have rounded shoulders, forward neck, hunch back, one side of my hips and ribcage sticks out more than the other, and I think I have Lordosis or a pelvic tilt. I know this would differ from person to person, and is also dependent on abdominal and core strength. Do you suggest this? If you lose more weight, this can reduce this said tension on the lower back. I love this website, its very informative and Im hopful i can somewhat correct this and have less back painwith tour exercises mentioned above. If you notice that your So what to do ? And would you say sleeping posture matters as well?- Im always sleeping on my side. Thank you. Give the exercises a try. (See image). For some of the equipment that I recommend, check out this post: Useful Tools. I also want you to explain how well you can heal and if possible Since I can remember, I have always felt stiffness in my lower back when bending over or after walking for a long time. Just be careful! Ive been doing the exercises youve recommended for APT, I seemed to fit the description when I checked a photo of myself. I have a very badly arched back but it has been that way since I was born. I have a lot of clicking in both shoulders also and some tingling down into my arms and my muscles all over feel painful. If you have an arched lower back, also check to see if you have an anterior pelvic tilt and a thoracic hyper kyphosis as these can contribute to the hyperlordosis in the lumbar spine. Is there a way you can suggest to make her focus on fixing her arch during he school day. Also check this post: How to fix anterior pelvic tilt. Hi! But this also depends on whats going on with the rest of your spine (ie. (Think about how many hours you sleep at night). I teach Feldenkrais based movement and how to apply it to daily activitiesMovement is vital to your health. Please if you have any advice for me. plank, Should I include any more exercises in my regime, I want your valuable suggestion on this . Hi Mark, this is an informative site, thanks! Anterior pelvic tilt is when the pelvis, which includes the hip and pubic bones, tilts forward. Im flexible, so I dont know if it is tight muscles or overworked muscles. Gently guide your lower rib cage down and backwards. Thanks a lot. As your control improves, place the box further away from you. Would be grateful if you respond. I dont know where to start with the exercises. Or natural feeling. Hi mark, would like to just check with you if lordosis is the reason to my lower back pain everytime I try to lie on my bed to sleep? Have you had a chance to get a scan of the nerves in your lumbar spine to rule out any compression issue? when I slouch I form a swaybck posture, however when I stand up tall I have an excessive curve in my lower back. Firstly Id like to thank you for this website, its amazing. An easy way to explain what she should focus on doing during the school day so she gets used to correct back posture. Hi Mark, Check out this post: How to fix Flared Ribs. It has been about 3 month that i have been doing these exercises 6 days a week. With Hyperlordosis, the abdominal region is placed in a relatively elongated/stretched position. I have a problem with the Dead bug (Leg drop, bent knee) exercise where I cannot even hold the starting position, and I would like to ask for your help. Do you think if I printed off some of your exercises and such, when I met the PT, and was not like disrespectful or trying to tell him his job, but more like, I have done a lot of research into what I think my issues are and I was hoping you could flip through these 4-5 pages? I took my son to Chiro today and he was very concerned with how much his lower spine protruded outward. Or is there more to it? My chest and neck muscles also hurt and my arms get very weak. I dont think that because of APT Im having problems whilst walking. I also tried out the Dead Bug exercise. if yes, for how long? thanks alot Mike! You have EVERYTHING Ive learned/been told + more on this page. I will try it at home. The approach to helping both issues seems to be very similar. dog kick Hi Mark. The Dead bug exercise is the exercise I like to teach my patients about engaging the core, breathing, and alignment. Mark, I have a hyperlordosis, with a recent discovery of a hip impingement that created some issues with piriformis. I am now following your advice and exercises and am starting to experience relief. This will help keep your pelvis neutral and your lower back less arched. From here, you can lift your foot off the box (alternatively) as to bring your knee towards your chest. Should I involve my podiatrist in my lower leg and foot PT? I believe that it is due to tight tendons and ligaments that connect the lower body to the upper body. neck, thoracic). I have the symptoms of Hyperlordosis, but I also have forward head posture, hunchback posture and flared ribs. Ive had extreme lordosis my whole life, and Im 37. But it is good practice to revisit the technique throughout the day. Back too flat. He said my legs presented no congenital abnormalities per his discussion with the podiatrist and radiologist, however he had the radiologist verify my spinal films were actually mine because although in the last two years or so I have not exercised much, I did used to run 5-15 miles a week and he had concluded with the standard lab work and physical exam besides my musculoskeletal system, I was very healthy. Either way, Ive been a commercial cleaner all my life and I dont want to stop because of my tilted pelvis which is really bringing me down. Is that true? Hey Mark I have an arched back been dio for it. I know I need to exercise and strengthen, but what to start with? I will be making an instagram page soon :). I havent fallen or injured it. This will help reduce lumbar extension whilst in the lying down position. Use the theragun on the erector spinae muscles in your lower back. I also noticed that I got rather weak quads on that side, especially on the upper side of the leg, but very tight groin which makes it difficult to strengthen the quads without activating the entire region. I did exercises and did well for 2 weeks (without bridge) , but when I decided to start doing bridge exercise , 2 days and something wrong happened, my back returns to arch, and the muscles on either side of the lumbar spine becomes prominent and significantly firm to touch.. Now, I stopped exercising and didnt know what to do. I am 21 years old and I feel I have a lower back that is a little bent and I find it difficult to flatten my lower back on the bed as well. Im starting to show the famous 6-pack on my abs though. Does APT or hyperlordosis always cause back pain? I know you cant (and should not) diagnose anything from a picture, but would you mind taking a look at my picture, and letting me know if I at least have a reason to be worried about that, or if Im just being paranoid? lumbar spine flexion), then you do not have fused joints in this area! Is this normal or do you think I have hyperlordosis? I have pain in my hips for sure, as well low back, knees and even my feet and buttocks. Thanks in advance! And only recently Ive began to get this afoul pain near my tail bone and sometime even my leg just above the femur below the pelvic. My abdominal muscles have always been weak tho. Just a quick question though. In terms of a full correction that really depends on how tight you are, how strong you are, the rest of your posture, the intensity and frequency that you do the exercises etc. (on your back). I have a question though. Hey Mark, thanks for this article. It quickly causes pressure on my body making me want to lean forward on desk or backward. Well thats me . Im so happy that i have found your provide much needed help for people , including myself thanks alot! Im so blessed to meet you! Please advise! Im a 30 year old hairdresser who stands badly For 9 hours a day at work and am also a keen cyclist which I know can also throw up some weak glute, tight hip flexor problems. Anterior pelvic tilt refers specifically to the position of the pelvis. I forgot to mention that Im sitting about 6-8 hours a day, this is likely to be causing the QL to be overactive. Completely relax your legs and allow them to dangle. But just make sure you dont suffer from knee issues. Whilst keeping one knee bent towards your chest, slowly lower the other legtowards the ground. If you are getting noises from the hip, is it more of a click or a snapping sound? I drag my feet and walk duck footed (feet pointing to the outside.) Also, lately, I have developed pain in both my knees and have been suggested knee extensions and avoid pressurising my knees with excess weight. Stretch your lumbar erectors: Hi, my name is Vin, and i cant figure out what i have and what to do. Find the link to the image above,I am not sure what it is called but when I lie supine on the floor and try to raise single leg while other leg is straight with knee extended on the floor , Following things happen: b) Knee of the raised leg starts to bend automatically. I wonder if I have a flat back or lordosis cause by tight muscles but I fells I dont have tight muscles now, or osteoporosis. If you persist with these exercises and hit a plateau, the next common area to address would be the thoracic spine. As your lumbar spine is already in a position of hyper extension, be careful of activities/exercises which forces the back into further extension. Lie on your back with your knee and hip bent at 90 degrees (feet off floor) and arms straight up into the air. If so, I recommend sleeping on your back with a pillow underneath your knees. For more information: Sleeping posture recommendations. Is there anyway to surgically or thru stem cell stuff fix this.? Thanks again. WebTo do the single leg lowers, engage your abs with the basic pelvic tilt and raise both legs straight up toward the ceiling. Thanks again. so I decided to do the exercies on this page. Im very skinny but my stomach pops out and I hate it. They are some cross overs with the 3 postural issues. Without a strong foundation, the muscles which lift your leg cant work efficiently. I would really appreciate it. The upper part of my buttocks start to ache for some reason. Please forgive the errors! It is most likely due to an Anterior Pelvic Tilt. Hello sir. My podatrsist agreed with my GP and I got my custom orthotics which are AWESOME. Your website is good and your article is too helpful to me. If your upper back is curved, this will force the lower back to over arch. Hi Mark, Anterior pelvic tilt is the forward tilted position of the pelvis. You can even choose to focus just on the exercises that you feel give you most benefit. The more prominent the curves in your spine, the more you will require to go on the softer side. Anterior pelvic tilt,Sway back posture,Knee valgus .. Most of the time it is just tightness and/or lack of control of the region. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Results: If you can completely reverse the arch in your lower back (i.e. I would like to know if you know any sports that are very good for posture? Can you explain this please? Should we follow the above mentioned breathing technique while standing up as well? He said my discs were worn of that he could easily see in a division I contact sports players that played since a child or someone who worked picking up heavy objects and bending over excessively which neither is me. Place both palms on the floor in front of you. I think this is actually how I got a stiff neck, because it was also on the right side where I seem to have more of arch. BEST It is not uncommon to have both hyperlordosis and scoliosis. My rib on my right side seems to protrude out more than the left and my right rib also protrudes out more than the left.