Subsequently with GPS-IMU collars, running speed was measured for wild cheetahs during hunts with turns and maneuvers, and the maximum speed recorded was 58mph (93km/h) sustained for 12 seconds. The cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) is a large cat native to Africa and central Iran. [61][64] A 1987 study showed that solitary and grouped males have a nearly equal chance of coming across females, but the males in coalitions are notably healthier and have better chances of survival than their solitary counterparts. Askari: this is a male cheetah name that means soldier in Swahili. [174] The Egyptians would use their dogs to bring the concealed prey out in the open, after which a cheetah would be set upon it to kill it. [8] The specific name jubatus is Latin for 'crested, having a mane'. Cheetah Name Symbols Name Color: Blue The connection with the color Blue suggests that people with the name Cheetah are keen to keep relations tight in their life. [17][18], In 1975, five subspecies were considered valid taxa: A. j. hecki, A. j. jubatus, A. j. raineyi, A. j. soemmeringii and A. j. [53] In 1926 Major A.Cooper wrote about a cheetah-like animal he had shot near modern-day Harare, with fur as thick as that of a snow leopard and spots that merged to form stripes. The sharp, narrow carnassials are larger than those of leopards and lions, suggesting the cheetah can consume larger amount of food in a given time period. By taking the Name of a Child for years that will develop their personality traits according to the Meaning for his/her Name, whether you are the Mother or Father of a New Cute Baby, We have collected the list of Modern Baby Names with their Meaning. The mane starts out as a cape of long, loose blue to grey hair in juveniles. Can be shortened to Kenna or Qenna. Speed and acceleration values for a hunting cheetah may be different from those for a non-hunter because while engaged in the chase, the cheetah is more likely to be twisting and turning and may be running through vegetation. Luckily, there are a lot of humans trying to preserve this species. Ancient Egyptians believed the spirits of deceased pharaohs were taken away by cheetahs. [92], Contrary to the common belief that cheetahs hunt by simply chasing its prey at high speeds, the findings of two studies in 2013 observing hunting cheetahs using GPS collars show that cheetahs hunt at speeds much lower than the highest recorded for them during most of the chase, interspersed with a few short bursts (lasting only seconds) when they attain peak speeds. Cheetah is a comics character. Unlike other big cats, cheetahs cant roar, instead they just chirp and purr just like a house cat. [11] Joshua Brookes proposed the generic name Acinonyx in 1828. They have been widely depicted in art, literature, advertising, and animation. [1], Cheetahs appear to be less selective in habitat choice than other felids and inhabit a variety of ecosystems; areas with greater availability of prey, good visibility and minimal chances of encountering larger predators are preferred. tah ch-t plural cheetahs also cheetah : a long-legged, swift-moving cat (Acinonyx jubatus) about the size of a small leopard with a yellowish to tan coat covered with numerous round to oval black spots and blunt claws that only partially retract and having a current range restricted to Africa and isolated parts of Iran The word "cheetah" comes from a Sanskritword meaning variegated.But the scientific binomial name Acinonyx jubatushas two parts: the Acinonyx part is this great cat's Greek genus name, meaning "no . [165][166] On 28 January 2020, the Supreme Court allowed the central government to introduce cheetahs to a suitable habitat in India on an experimental basis to see if they can adapt to it. She presided over matters of Death and Rebirth, Fair Treatment, and Wise Decision Making. [143][144][145] Moreover, the species apparently requires a sizeable area to live in as indicated by its low population densities. [101] [172] According to historians such as Heinz Friederichs and Burchard Brentjes, the cheetah was first tamed in Sumer and this gradually spread out to central and northern Africa, from where it reached India. Cheetah is also known as Cheetah Chrome. [35] Adams pointed out that North American and Old World cheetah-like cats may have had a common ancestor, and Acinonyx might have originated in North America instead of Eurasia. [58][65], The cheetah is superficially similar to the leopard, which has a larger head, fully retractable claws, rosettes instead of spots, lacks tear streaks and is more muscular. [58] Cheetahs can consume large quantities of food; a cheetah at the Etosha National Park (Namibia) was found to consume as much as 10kg (22lb) within two hours. [2][10] Unlike other cats, the cheetah's canines have no gap behind them when the jaws close, as the top and bottom cheek teeth show extensive overlap; this equips the upper and lower teeth to effectively tear through the meat. [14] The earliest known depictions of the cheetah are from the Chauvet Cave in France, dating back to 32,00026,000 BC. Meaning CHEETAH. While females stay close to their mothers, males move farther off. A bite on the nape of the neck or the snout (and sometimes on the skull) suffices to kill smaller prey. Popularity: Back to Top Notable Persons With the Last Name Cheetah Cheetah Cheetah is a comics character. Being a more accurate method of measurement, this test was made in 1965 but published in 1997. [97], One stride of a galloping cheetah measures 4 to 7m (13 to 23ft); the stride length and the number of jumps increases with speed. Personality analysis of Cheetah by personality number 3 "You are highly attractive. Names That Mean Miracle Workout Nicknames Playlist Names for Country Music Are there . This is because a name is often the first thing that others learn about a person, and it can shape how they are perceived and treated by others. : an endangered species. Females can have their first litter at two to three years of age. The lunar cycle can also influence the cheetah's routineactivity might increase on moonlit nights as prey can be sighted easily, though this comes with the danger of encountering larger predators. The cubs might purr as the mother licks them clean after the meal. [93][94] The speeds attained by the cheetah may be only slightly greater than those achieved by the pronghorn at 88.5km/h (55.0mph)[95] and the springbok at 88km/h (55mph),[96] but the cheetah additionally has an exceptional acceleration. Please find below many ways to say cheetah in different languages. For other uses, see. [140] In the following years, as their natural habitat has been modified dramatically, cheetah populations across the region have become smaller and more fragmented. A stalking cheetah assumes a partially crouched posture, with the head lower than the shoulders; it will move slowly and be still at times. [61] Besides the clearly visible spots, there are other faint, irregular black marks on the coat. [161], During the early 2000s scientists from the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (Hyderabad) proposed a plan to clone Asiatic cheetahs from Iran for reintroduction in India, but Iran denied the proposal. [55] However, in the absence of proof to support his claim, he withdrew his proposal in 1939. [83] Cheetahs have a high concentration of nerve cells arranged in a band in the centre of the eyes, a visual streak, the most efficient among felids. [6] A rough translation is "immobile nails", a reference to the cheetah's limited ability to retract its claws. [3] This in turn comes from Sanskrit: (Chitra-ya) meaning 'variegated', 'adorned' or 'painted'. The small, flat canines are used to bite the throat and suffocate the prey. [10][58][60] Cheetahs are sexually dimorphic, with males larger and heavier than females, but not to the extent seen in other large cats. The fauna includes the elephant, rhinoceros, buffalo, giraffe, lion, leopard, cheetah , roan-antelope, hartebeeste, kudu and many other kinds of antelope, wart-hog, hares, quail, partridge, jungle-fowl, bustard and guinea-fowl. King cheetahs have lengthwise stripes and are very rare. Your wit and sparkling personality make you the life of a party. The cheetah lives in three main social groups: females and their cubs, male "coalitions", and solitary males. [61] The whiskers, shorter and fewer than those of other felids, are fine and inconspicuous. [125], Urine-marking in males can become more pronounced when a female in their vicinity comes into oestrus. The physiological reasons for speed in cheetahs are: Cheetahs are active mainly during the day,[66] whereas other carnivores such as leopards and lions are active mainly at night;[63][97] These larger carnivores can kill cheetahs and steal their kills;[58] hence, the diurnal tendency of cheetahs helps them avoid larger predators in areas where they are sympatric, such as the Okavango Delta. 3. These pretty cats have magnificent patterning and incredible speed, it would seem to be unfair to gift them with a powerful roar as well. In Egyptian lore, one of the earliest Cat-headed Goddesses in history was Mafdet, who bore the likeness of a Cheetah. It has spots on it. They are weaned at around four months and are independent by around 20 months of age. [98] Running cheetahs can retain up to 90% of the heat generated during the chase. [66][108] Generation length of the cheetah is six years. Popularity: An open area with some cover, such as diffused bushes, is probably ideal for the cheetah because it needs to stalk and pursue its prey over a distance. Individuals typically avoid one another but are generally amicable; males may fight over territories or access to females in oestrus, and on rare occasions such fights can result in severe injury and death. Alfhild was so impressed by Alf's skills in combat that she married him! [194] The book How It Was with Dooms tells the true story of a family raising an orphaned cheetah cub named Dooms in Kenya. [14] Today the cheetah has been extirpated in most of its historical range; the numbers of the Asiatic cheetah had begun plummeting since the late 1800s, long before the other subspecies started their decline. [58], The cheetah is a lightly built, spotted cat characterised by a small rounded head, a short snout, black tear-like facial streaks, a deep chest, long thin legs and a long tail. [172], Hunting cheetahs are known in pre-Islamic Arabic art from Yemen. [81][82], The cheetah resembles the smaller cats in cranial features, and in having a long and flexible spine, as opposed to the stiff and short one in other large felids. [1] It is further aggravated by ecological degradation, like bush encroachment, which is common in southern Africa. The giant cheetah (A. pardinensis), significantly larger and slower compared to the modern cheetah, occurred in Eurasia and eastern and southern Africa in the Villafranchian period roughly 3.81.9 mya. Eight cheetahs have been donated by Namibia that will be introduced to the Kuno National Park. [10][59] Cheetahs typically reach 6794cm (2637in) at the shoulder and the head-and-body length is between 1.1 and 1.5m (3ft 7in and 4ft 11in). The vernacular name, cheetah, is derived from ' ct ', which in turn comes from the Sanskrit word ' citra ' meaning variegated, adorned or painted. Unlike the big cats, the cheetah tends to occur in low densities typically between 0.3 and 3.0 adults per 100km2 (39sqmi)these values are 1030% of those reported for leopards and lions. Among females, those in oestrus will show maximum urine-marking, and their excrement can attract males from far off. [5] The CACP Phase II was implemented in 2009, and the third phase was drafted in 2018. Cases of roadkill involving cheetahs have been reported from Kalmand, Touran National Park, and Bafq in Iran. It breeds throughout the year. It's not what you'd expect", "Wow! The cheetah is active during the day, with peaks during dawn and dusk. [112][113] Listed below are some commonly recorded vocalisations observed in cheetahs: Another major means of communication is by scentthe male will often investigate urine-marked places (territories or common landmarks) for a long time by crouching on his forelegs and carefully smelling the place. [58][61][64], Some males are territorial, and group together for life, forming coalitions that collectively defend a territory which ensures maximum access to femalesthis is unlike the behaviour of the male lion who mates with a particular group (pride) of females. Here weve put a list together with some of the greatest cheetah name ideas. Sadly, due to human pressure and poaching cheetahs are an endangered species. They may smell the spot she was sitting or lying on to determine if she was in oestrus.[108]. Aderfi: Aderfi means 'the released', and gives a sense of freedom and independence. Territoriality is preferred only if females tend to be more sedentary, which is more feasible in areas with plenty of prey. The Iranian population appears to have decreased from 60 to 100 individuals in 2007 to 43 in 2016, distributed in three subpopulations over less than 150,000km2 (58,000sqmi) in Iran's central plateau. cheetah, ( Acinonyx jubatus ), one of the world's most-recognizable cats, known especially for its speed. In 2016, the global cheetah population was estimated at 7,100 individuals in the wild; it is listed as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List. From Wikipedia Along with lions, he has worked with cheetahs, leopards, and hyenas. The lightly built, streamlined, agile body of the cheetah makes it an efficient sprinter. [23], The cheetah is threatened by several factors, like habitat loss and fragmentation of populations. Saying cheetah in African Languages. . Abis - Abis means swift and alert. The rest of the body is covered with around 2,000 evenly spaced, oval or round solid black spots, each measuring roughly 35cm (1.22.0in). Wild cheetahs . Churring (or churtling): A churr is a shrill, staccato call that can last up to two seconds. [1][146] The cheetah appears to be less capable of coexisting with humans than the leopard. The eyes are shut at birth, and open in four to 11 days. [1] The reduced genetic variability makes cheetahs more vulnerable to diseases;[47] however, the threat posed by infectious diseases may be minor, given the low population densities and hence a reduced chance of infection. [109], Unlike many other felids, among cheetahs, females tend to occupy larger areas compared to males. A coalition of three males occupied a territory measuring 126km2 (49sqmi), and the territory of a solitary male measured 195km2 (75sqmi). [174], In comparison, theories of the cheetah's taming in Egypt are stronger and include timelines proposed on this basis. [138] In Iran there were around 400 cheetahs before World WarII, distributed across deserts and steppes to the east and the borderlands with Iraq to the west; the numbers were falling because of a decline in prey. [191], Two cheetahs are depicted standing upright and supporting a crown in the coat of arms of the Free State (South Africa). The 2005 film Duma was based loosely on this book. [66] Cheetahs, especially mothers with cubs, remain cautious even as they eat, pausing to look around for fresh prey or for predators who may steal the kill. [58], The head is small and more rounded compared to other big cats. Esperanza: A sweet Spanish exotic name meaning " hope ". [2][8] Though incomplete, these fossils indicate forms larger but less cursorial than the modern cheetah. The name Cheetah is ranked on the 31,856th position of the most used names. Cubs born in the wild weigh 150300g (5.310.6oz) at birth, while those born in captivity tend to be larger and weigh around 500g (18oz). Four subspecies are recognised. [199] The Mac OS X 10.0 was code-named "Cheetah".[200]. This may also happen in highly arid regions such as the Sahara, where daytime temperatures can reach 43C (109F). One case is known of a cheetah that overtook a young male Pronghorn. [177] Cheetahs continued to be used into the Byzantine period of the Roman empire, with "hunting leopards" being mentioned in the Cynegetica (283/284 AD). [133], Cubs as young as six months try to capture small prey like hares and young gazelles. [64] The exceptionally long and muscular tail, with a bushy white tuft at the end, measures 6080cm (2431in). The cheetah is the world's fastest land mammal. At around 20 months, offspring become independent; mothers might have conceived again by then. [149], Until the 1970s, cheetahs and other carnivores were frequently killed to protect livestock in Africa. [5] The generic name Acinonyx probably derives from the combination of two Greek words: (akinitos) meaning 'unmoved' or 'motionless', and (onyx) meaning 'nail' or 'hoof'. ", "Genetic analysis reveals promiscuity among female cheetahs", "A possible case of mimicry in larger mammals", "Implications of high offspring mortality for cheetah population dynamics", "Cheetah cub survival revisited: a re-evaluation of the role of predation, especially by lions, and implications for conservation", "Short-term costs and correlates of play in cheetahs", "Cheetahs in Central Asia: a historical summary", "Interesting shikar trophies: hunting cheetah, The Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, "Historical, sociocultural and mythological aspects of faunal conservation in Rajasthan", "Asiatic cheetahs in Iran: decline, current status and threats", Regional conservation strategy for the cheetah and African wild dog in Southern Africa, "Conserving the Asiatic cheetah in Iran: launching the first radio-telemetry study", "Bush Encroachment and Large Carnivore Predation Success in African Landscapes: A Review", "Leading the race for the survival of the cheetah", "The conflict between cheetahs and humans on Namibian farmland elucidated by stable isotope diet analysis", "A lab in a remote Namibian city is saving the cheetah from extinction", "Cheetah Conservation Fund BUSHBLOK Project", Global Cheetah Conservation Plan Final Report 2002, "Rangewide Conservation Program for Cheetah and Wild Dog", "Regional strategies and national action plans", "Cheetahs return to Malawi after decades", "Conservation of Asiatic Cheetah Project (CACP)Phase II", "Iran tries to save Asiatic cheetah from extinction", "Iran, UNDP prepare draft for conservation of Asiatic cheetah", "Iranian refusal an obstacle to clone cheetah", Assessing the potential for reintroducing the cheetah in India, "Supreme Court red flags move to translocate African cheetah", "When one big cat is almost like the other", "India to reintroduce cheetahs to the wild more than 70 years after species became extinct", "After decades-long battle, cheetahs can be reintroduced in India", "Cheetahs to prowl India for first time in 70 years", "Stage set for return of cheetahs to India, special plane lands in Namibia | All you need to know", "Cheetahs make a comeback in India after 70 years", "History of the cheetah-human relationship", "Natural history and cultural history: the circulation of hunting leopards in Eurasia, seventh-seventeenth centuries", "Hunting in pre-Islamic Arabia in light of the epigraphic evidence", "Tethering of tamed and domesticated carnivores in mosaics from the Roman and Byzantine periods in the Southern Levant", Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection, "History of cheetahs in zoos and demographic trends through managed captive breeding programs", "Correlation of sperm viability with gamete interaction and fertilization, "St. Louis Zoo cheetah gives birth to record eight cubs", "Indians in Britain as British colonial conquests begin (1750s-1790s)", "The inward turn: nineteenth and twentieth centuries", "Joy Freiderike Victoria Gessner Adamson", "Cultural contestations in the literary marketplace: reading Raja Rao's, "The cobra and the cheetah: a muscle car tale (part two)", "When the chips are down: Frito-Lay Poland", "Fake flies and cheating cheetahs: measuring the speed of a cheetah",, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Articles containing Sanskrit-language text, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Their nape, shoulders and back are thickly covered with long bluish grey hair, called a mantle, which gives them a mohawk-type appearance; this fur is shed as the cheetah grows older. Cheetahs might lose 1015% of their kills to large carnivores such as hyenas and lions (and grey wolves in Iran). [1] The Endangered Species Act enlists the cheetah as Endangered. [25], In the past until the mid-20th century, the cheetah ranged across vast stretches in Asia, from the Arabian Peninsula in the west to the Indian subcontinent in the east, and as far north as the Aral and Caspian Seas. [182][183] High density of cheetahs in a place, closeness to other large carnivores in enclosures, improper handling, exposure to public and frequent movement between zoos can be sources of stress for cheetahs. The mother is extremely vigilant at this stage; she stays within 1km (0.62mi) of the lair, frequently visits her cubs, moves them every five to six days, and remains with them after dark.
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