It quickly became apparent that this was not the Reiki healing energy I was used to practising for years. In Norse mythology, Eir (Old Norse: [ir], "protection, help, mercy"[1]) is a goddess or valkyrie associated with medical skill. [12], Regarding the seemingly three different, seemingly conflicting, mentions of Eir, Andy Orchard says that the etymology of the name Eir may appear to fit the role of Eir as a goddess and servant of Mengl best, but that one should consider that the valkyries also have the ability to waken the dead. This would negate the purity of your ritual. Regular magical protective maintenance also helps to keep these malevolent spirits out of our lives. The gods also enjoy artwork to honor them, as well as writing poems or songs or dancing for them. The healing modality Eir wants me to use Ace of Swords: She wishes me to use prayers, galdr, spells, incantations, and tree magick. This empowering energy is to reconnect us with that sense of knowing how to thrive, not just survive in life. There are examples of this in the works of 10th-century skaldic poets such as Hallfrer Vandraskld or Kormkr gmundarson. I will walk the path of the Mother Goddess, treading lightly on this planet until the day these lungs cease to breathe. Then are listed Hrund and Eir, Hrist, Skuld. ), The name Eir can mean peace, clemency (Lindow: 105), or help (Orchard: 96), so Eir as a name could mean the Helper (Simek: 71). She is associated in myth with a sacred hill, where she gathers with many wights of healing. 6. ( Eir looks after women in labor, protecting both the mother and the infant. Is there a specific God or Goddess behind these particular signs? The two stories were considered separate before scholars acknowledged their clear parallel to the sequence of events in Ungen Sveidal. Enjoy! No matter how dark it gets, the light always returns . In the Runic Tarot 9 of Cups, we see a Valkyrie serving mead to warriors in Valhalla. In stanza 54, Eir appears as one of Mengloth's handmaidens, and Eir, according to Snorri (Gylfaginning, 35) is herself the Norse Hygeia. I give offering everyday ie water grapes mango tea coffee. My deity is Selene. [16], Henry Adams Bellows proposes a relationship between Eir and the place name Lyfjaberg, which he translates as "hill of healing". it sounds like a signs from your spiritual guides or like a syndromes of spiritual awakening, read about it more and enjoy, its good sign for you, bless. Eir is one of the nine handmaidens of Mengl (Mengloth), the Norse goddess of Healing . Hi Evelyn l have a ancestor altar which l use everyday. 40. Eirs color is the red of fresh blood (although some have seen her to like green as well), and a magic charm pouch should be made of red cloth with blood-stanching herbs such as Yarrow or Bistort. The healing modality Eir wants me to use. What could it mean?? Personalized Advertising. The healing modality Eir wants me to use. The second reference comes in chapter 75 of the Skldskaparml where the author includes her in a list of Valkyrie. Ive worked with Norse goddesses and gods before but she was insisting I learn more. Bellows notes that manuscripts vary about the spelling of the place name, and that he, like others, has followed 19th-century scholar Sophus Bugge's choice. Although Snorri does not explicitly name her as one of the asunjar, he also does not name every goddess counted in this number. Eventually, youll truly enjoy giving gifts to your god or goddess and they in turn will enjoy showering you with blessings. However, it is clear to me that Eir and Mengloth are colleagues, and when Eir comes to work at Lyfjaberg, she defers to Mengloth whose . As far as I can tell, there are no attested animal signs connected with Eir. What then are we to make of these inconsistencies in descriptions of Eir from none less than Snorri Sturlusson himself? We can consider her to be all three. Eir can be channelled either in healing treatments or empowerments and courses up to teacher level. All I know is that I must have angered someone, because lately I havent been my creative and wild self. Thiodvarta is the third, Its an energy exchange. Her distinction as a servant of both Frigg and in, as well as her sphere of influence, have earned her a place of veneration among modern Heathens. Fjlsvir responds that Svipdagr is correct: In chapter 35 of the Prose Edda book Gylfaginning, the enthroned figure of High provides brief descriptions of 16 synjur. . Just like in a human relationship where a consensual power exchange is as gratifying (if not more) for the submissive partner. I talk to the ancestor spirits with my oracle cards they let me know what they like and dont like. Many different goddesses have a blackbird to symbolize, shapeshift, etc them so do your research! The wise women give protection, whenever men sacrifice to them Feel free to use any form of divination to communicate with your deity: scrying, pendulum, tarot, or runes. Main challenge to working with Eir 9 of Cups: Get out of my head and into my heart. While she's referenced in three separate Skaldic texts, her role often changes. Additionally, she is attested to in skaldic poetry, and runic inscriptions. The energy of this card is a very good match for my sparrow dream, where the sparrow was sitting on top of my chest, over my heart. The two of them are invoked for healing together. What I must do if I wish to work with Eir. For some scholars, its a bit of a stretch to deduce that she was a Norn from this passage, but its possible. Eir Healing opens you up to the divine, however you wish to interpret or experience that in your beliefs; Eir Healing reinforces your individual connection to your higher power, brings confidence, positive attitude, vision and fearlessness. According to a poem, she resides at the . Gods like Thor, Loki, Odin, and Frida Jarnsaxa: The Giantess And Norse Goddess of the Sea. Talk to your deity and tell him/her your intentions with the ritual bath. To understand any spiritual healing modality we need to be clear about how energy works in our universe as we know it. That my words may serve you and humanity. What does it mean to dedicate oneself to a god or goddess? Folk tradition holds that Eir was invoked in healing rituals using a white flower known as Eirflower. Hilda Ellis Davidson comments that "virtually nothing" is known about Eir outside of her association with healing, and points out that she is "singled out as one of the Norns who shape the lives of children". Eir is a bit of a mystery, and a compelling mystery at that. Eir - Goddess of healing. Eir is named both as an Aesir goddess, as a Valkyrie, and as an assistant to a jotunn healing deity. However, one thing about Eir that remains certain, as depicted by Snorri in the Gylfaginning, was that she was a very gifted physician. As handmaid to a giantess, she may well have some jotunn lineage, but as with her Aesir, or human, we can also not say this for certain. In Icelandic Norse paganism, prayers to Eir aid in medical healing and childbirth. She presided over childbirth was held to possess power over life and death, and was revered as a lifegiver, both in the family home . Sometimes we want to devote or dedicate our entire lives to one deity. Listening to a recording of drumming or drumming while a treatment is happening powers up and intensifies this energy so much. Begin by keeping a dream journal. Does anyone have any input or suggestions because that would really help!! Eir ("help, mercy") is a Goddess of healing and shamanic healers, companion of the goddess Frigg. Darraarlj DARRA THARLIOTH Het lied van de Walkuren . You can do this by giving offerings, similar to tithing in Church (except your god or goddess doesnt require money from you). There is a tenuous reference to Eir as a Norn, but the evidence is weak. I do not want to offend her. While the other Valkyries chose the slain, Eir would choose who would live and recover, and return to health. You are essentially giving them a gift. 38. Healing herbs, home remedies, and folk medicine. Its easy to curse someone with any ill intent even if its just them talking to themselves to make themselves feel better. As a Valkyrie, Eir accompanied her battle-sisters. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. As a Valkyrie, Eir accompanied her battle-sisters. The meeting occurs at the beginning of the Fjlsvinnsml and the watchmans challenge leads to a question-and-answer game. #notetoself #changemaker #transformation #catalyst #tuningforks #sound #vibration #light #love #youarepowerful #youaremagnetic #starseeds #lightworkers #earthangels #christconsciousness #bethebiggesttuningfork #compassion #higherheart #higherlove #lifepurpose #mission #tarotsoulcoaching, Everything is going to be okay. She truly is a force of pure natural healing and empowerment. In Norse mythology, Eir (Old Norse "protection, clemency , help, mercy") is a sir goddess or valkyrie associated with medical skill. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Snorri calls her the best of physicians and identifies her as an Aesir goddess. It may be that Snorri placed her into the Aesir tribe because he believed them to be the more wholesome of the two great tribes of the Norse gods. They then conspicuously leave her out of an alternative list of the synjur later in the same chapter. Eir, however is the preeminent and principal healer in Northern tradition. The stick records a common mercantile transaction followed by a verse from a displeased scribe (edits applied per the translator's notes): Mindy Macleod and Bernard Mees posit that the first line of the inscription essentially means "women make me miserable" or potentially "marriage makes me miserable," whereas the second line means "women often take a lot of sleep from me. The castle is situated on Lyfjaberg, the Hill of Healing. The rune set I aquired belongs to her. All of this seems like basic knowledge, but many people will pick a god or goddess and forget to put in the time to get to know them before calling on them. Staying humble and adaptable all the way through is a must. Im new to deity work but I was getting callings from hades so I made an offering and I do daily meditations and tarot readings with him but I am struggling to find a way to know if its connecting us together or not. They are now commonly unified under the title of the Svipdagsml. if there is need of this? In his article on Ilmr, Hopkins says that EIr, Ilmr and Skuld are all listed as different kinds of beings. Main challenge to working with Eir. I havent done much research as of yet, ive only looked into the basics of the roman and greek pantheons, largely because my family is from Italy and I felt they were the most connected to me of the pantheons, despite being what i consider the most well known and most commonly worked with. Required fields are marked *. during the pagan period the role of doctor was women's work, while men were usually . I invite you to my circle in light and love.". I come to you in awe of your beauty and power on this Earth. But Eir may have yet another another identity, One of the more obscure Eddic poems, Svipdigsml, mentions Eir as one of the retinue of a goddess called Menglod. wether they protect those who sacrifice to them The dalir site does attempt a synthesis, to their credit: As a Valkyrie, Eir accompanied her battle-sisters. (Skald. These female supernatural beings may collectively be described as strongly associated with death, wyrd, and prophecy. Surrender can be the gateway to spiritual bliss! Although we most often associate Odins battlefield maidens with death, we can also think of them in terms of rebirth. It would be every few days this would occur. While the other Valkyries chose the slain, Eir would choose who would live and recover, and return to health. Again, the message is one of humbling myself and focusing on joyful, compassionate service. How do I start a relationship with my god and goddess? I felt electrified . Even today, scholars debate the role of Eir in Norse mythology and whether she was a goddess or a Valkyrie. Add to Favorites . Some signs of a god or goddess could be anger or lack of creativity depending on which god is trying to contact you. To make matters even more complicated, some believe she was a Norn- a goddess of fate that could tell the future. It is certain however that Snorri had access to sources that are no longer available to us. And yet clues remain to a mystery as yet unraveled. Eir is a protector and a healer. I asked this question to someone. Another wonderful thing youll noticethe more you give offerings the more you will receive. I want to say some associate her with valkyries but it could be the other way around. This fascinating goddess presents us with more mysteries than conclusions. If you want to learn more about Norse mythology, this is the perfect website for you. (You could read this last sentence as if Eir was a norn, making you wonder what sort of a being she was, or if anyone even knew.) It is theorized that Mengl may be a hypostasis of Frigg, of Eir, or else a jtnar goddess of healing unto herself. I understand she is generally accepted as a god of healing as it were, so it seemed appropriate. In Norse mythology, Eir ( Old Norse: [ir], "protection, help, mercy" [1]) is a goddess or valkyrie associated with medical skill. In the lore, it is stated that annual blts where offered to these maidens atop Lyfjaberg to keep all sickness and pestilence away from the community for the year to come. Worshipping a deity can be an empowering and liberating experience however if an individuals core self desires it. Am I correct in believing the Universe is telling me Im on the right path and they acknowledge me? She is primary associated with medical skill and is featured in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources; the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson; and in skaldic poetry, including a runic inscription from Bergen, Norway from around 1300. Given that she is predominantly a healing entity, her followers associate all instruments of healing, healing herbs, folk remedies, and items such as mortar and pestle with her. The intention with any energy healing technique is that if you can harmonise your own energy system at its vibrational molecular level, you place yourself in the best possible position to heal on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. The first part of the Medieval ballad of Ungen Sveidal corresponds to the Gragaldr while the second match Fjlsvinnsml. at Menglods knees? Place any leftover offerings on your altar for the goddess. There are several other deities who are sometimes called upon for help with healing. Once ready, light the white candle and say, "Mother Goddess, I come to you as your humble child. She turned to look at me over her shoulder, and I heard the word air in the wind in a gentle song and saw the alchemical symbol for the element of air which I was familiar with, but this was the third time I had seen it while working with this healing energy. What we do know about Eir, however, is that she was closely tied to healing. According to some folklore sources, Eir was frequently invoked in healing ceremonies, particularly for the welfare of women and especially with all things related to childbirth. Tell me, Much-wise, because Im asking you, "[2], Norse Mythology: A Guide to the Gods, Heroes, Rituals, and Beliefs, You can even give a glass of wine or water as an offering. A sample construction is Eir aura ("Eir of riches"), occurring in Gsla saga. How Eirs energy will influence my own energy Queen of Wands: Working with Eir will make me feel more at home in the female mysteries of the Northern tradition. The Sun is, IMHO, the strongest Yes! in the Tarot deck. 75, Faulkes trans.). I am drawn to lunar magic, tend towards the element of water but I am an earth sign (Taurus) and I work with plants a ton. and Svipdagsmal. If it feels wrong, it is wrong. The classic 13th-century work of the adventurer and scholar Snorri Sturlusson speaks clearly about Eir, although not at great length. I think it just depends. You dont have to kneel down or bow your head to pray to your god or goddess. You are starting to establish a relationship with your god or goddess and you want to show your gratitude. This is how you can communicate with your god or goddess, but how do they communicate with you? That I may share your love with those in need., Next, anoint your solar plexus and say, I dedicate myself, my confidence, self-esteem, and body to you. If it feels like his thoughts, it is. It had an entirely different, intense and incredibly powerful signature, with such a feeling of ancient strength, fearlessness and empowerment. Her name simply means "healer". 4 Nearly-Forgotten Ancient Germanic Goddesses for the Modern Pagan, How to Find Your God and Goddess - Otherworldly Oracle, First Steps to Becoming a Witch: Advice for Beginner Witches, Irish Gods and Goddesses: List and Descriptions - Otherworldly Oracle, An offering for the Goddess: incense, herbs, or flowers, Coconut oil (or other skin-safe oil for anointing the body), A quiet place where you wont be disturbed. She is a compassionate being who answers the prayers of women in distress. [9] The name is already used in this way by the 10th century poets Kormkr gmundarson and Hallfrer vandraskld. Looking for the perfect name? 17 8 comments Best Add a Comment Click to email a link to a friend (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Helgakvia Hjrvarssonar The Lay of Helgi Hjrvardsson, Helgakvia Hundingsbana II The Second Lay of Helgi the Hunding-Slayer, Sonatorrek the irreparable loss of sons. She is an extremely good physician. The name of Eir makes an appearance in the thulur mnemonic verses, in another list of Valkyries. Her distinction as a servant of both Frigga and in, as well as her sphere of influence, have earned her a place of veneration among modern Heathens. Just keep trying. Mundal, Else 1990: Position of the Individual Gods and Goddesses in Various Types of Sources With Particular Reference to the Female Divinities, in Old Norse and Finnish Religions and Cultic Place Names, ed. In Old Norse texts, such as Snorri Sturluson's Prose Edda, Jarnsaxa is described as a goddess of the sea, Thor's lover, and the mother of Magni and Modi. I feel safe with hades and I light a candle when I meditate and do my readings thats specifically devoted to him but Im getting nothing through any of the clairs. So I set about finding the Norse goddess of healing. In the Poetic Edda poem Fjlsvinnsml, the watchman Fjlsvir presents a list of the maidens that attend the lady of the keepMenglthat includes Eir, and states that they all sit on the hill Lyfjaberg (Old Norse "hill of healing"[2] or "healing mountain"[3]). Cleanse yourself and your space beforehand (smudge/cleanse your space and take a ritual bath/shower). and because I want to know; In one telling, she guards the castle of Mengl, atop the mountain Lyfjaberg. Try looking for signs in your dream, meditate, and try to constantly talk to them in person or in your head. Goddess Eir Tarot Spread Sample Reading with the Runic Tarot Ritual oils can be used to aid in spell work, manifestation, and your mood. +150 Popular Norse and Viking Names (Female & Male). Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. To hear their name on your lips or see their name in your writing would be flattering, dont you think? Having a god or goddess in your life is the same as a Christian having Jesus in their lives; however, you dont have to worship pagan deities. These were the most important and venerated of the female Aesir deities. Hlif means protection (Larrington: n. 38), Hlifrasa eager to protect1 and Thiovara guardian of the people. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); To learn more about the Otherworldly Oracles website Privacy Policy, visit our Privacy Policy page here. May my roots mingle and mix with yours. You can perform it for yourself and you can also perform it for your clients. I do not have to abandon the Angels to work with Eir. In Elizabeth Bears Edda of Burdens trilogy, she uses the terms einherjar and waelcyrge for immortal beings who seem like lesser deities drawn from Norse mythology. So, Eir was a goddess of healing, right? This creates some confusion as to her ancestry. She enjoys sitting on her deck with a cup of coffee reading books on Norse myths, deities and the fantastic stories behind each and every Norse god. In the book Gylfaginning of the Prose Edda, Snorri lists Eir as an synjur (or sir) with other sir Norse gods such as Thor, Odin, Freyja, Hel, and Loki. What do I do with the offering? [] How to Start Working With a Goddess or God [], [] How to Start Working With a Goddess [], [] search of the ancient and majestic Irish Gods and Goddesses. I reject the notion that I am not good enough because I am good enough. She is attested to in the Prose Edda, the Poetic Edda, and Svipdagsmal. What about circe? Both beauty and darkness. (link in bio - latest blog post) Revisiting the Spirit of Python Deliverance from January this year. These are angel numbers google their meanings! Say, I come to dedicate myself to you wholly. Eir is a pre-Christian goddess while Snorri was a Christianized writer of the Icelandic middle ages. The goddess who presided over childbirth was held to possess power over life and death, and was revered as a lifegiver, both in the family home and in the courts of kings, though she might also pass sentence of death. There were distant clouds and lightning, but she was fearless, embracing the elements and dramatic weather, drinking it all in with joy and I felt such power and unconditional love from her.