Still waiting for a response from the University rabbit department. The TAMUK rabbits are considered a composite breed as they are a cross of seven different breeds. We did not plan litters to be born during the worst heat. Anyone breeding these rabbits please let me know your experiences. Tamuk rabbits are not particularly active and do not require much exercise, making them well-suited for apartment living. No hatchery or delivery service needed. Thanks. Good quality hay, such as timothy hay or oat hay, should make up most of their diet. TAMUK stands for Texas A&M University Kingsville. 4 brownish girls; 1 tan/grey girl. Should be some near you since you are SE. What are the standards? With our 100F+ summers, that was important for our Do not eat, drink, or apply cosmetics while working in an animal use area, and always wash your hands after handling rabbits. For questions about the University Farm, please contact the Farm Staff: Dick and Mary Lewis Kleberg College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, MSC 156, 1010 N. Retama St, Kingsville, TX 78363, A member of the Texas A&M University System. Tamuk rabbits have a sturdy, rectangular body shape and a medium-length, dense coat that can come in various colours. Please do not contact me if you plan on keeping them in a cage. At MOTHER EARTH NEWS for 50 years and counting, we are dedicated to conserving our planet's natural resources while helping you conserve your financial resources. $25 each. I have 2 females and a male Black Polish Rabbit, born on February 20th, 2023. The cages are then suspended above the floor so that the chickens and ducks who share the space can help to turn the rabbit waste into compost over the course of about a year! Fresh water should always be available to tamuk rabbits. Tamuk rabbits can make excellent pets for people of all ages. Shipping and taxes calculated at checkout. The working and animal housing facilities at the University Farm allow faculty and students, both graduate and undergraduate, to conduct animal science and biomedical research involving cattle, goats, sheep or swine. The University Farm is a working laboratory which provides undergraduate students with experience in swine, beef cattle, sheep and meat goat management. I'm wondering if anyone here has tried raising the TAMUK variety of rabbit that's supposed to be more heat tolerant, or if you have experience with another breed you'd especially recommend as best able to cope with the heat. With proper care, tamuk rabbits can live for up to 10 years. 2 were born 02/08, 7 were born 02/10. After mating, the doe will usually give birth to a litter of kits (baby rabbits) approximately 30 days later. We had a lot of manure! Tamuk rabbits are medium Copyright 1996-2023 Texas A&M University-Kingsville. Pelts can be made into vests, throws, pillowswhatever you like. Tamuk breeders also tend to be people who like having (relatively) calm rabbits that are unlikely to bite. We had the opportunity to try Tamuk They have long, erect ears that are thick at the base and taper towards the tip. A limited amount of fresh fruit can also be offered as a treat. If you're interested in a breeding bucks or does or would like to try some of our rabbit meat, please send us an email at: Regular visits to a veterinarian for check-ups and preventative care can also help prolong your tamuk rabbits life., Larsen Poultry Ranch - homesteading journey, Birthing, Weaning, and Raising Young Goats. They are friendly, docile, easy to handle, and litter train. This brochure provides basic information regarding zoonotic risk and who can be contacted for further assistance. Everyone claims the variety has a great reputation of being very resistant to heat, but when I looked into different reviews, I have some questions about the breed's actual performance. We use cookies to analyze website traffic and optimize your website experience. JavaScript is disabled. Please do not contact me if you plan on keeping them in a cage. BE ADVISED: All personnel working with dogs are eligible to enroll in the Occupational Health Program (OHP). 3 bucks & 4 does. For many years, especially while we still lived in suburbia, we followed popular homesteading families on YouTube like Justin Rhodes, The Hollar Homestead, and Weed 'em and Reap. As a result of crossing seven breeds over the years (in chronological order: New Zealand Red, Siamese Satin, Californian, New Zealand White, Dutch, Champagne dArgent, Harlequin, and Havana), this composite breed now possesses all of the major genes for coat color. We are planning to put it in the barn under a roof surrounded by trees. Examples of colors in this population include agouti and black, blue, chocolate, and lilac, creme and opal, seal and siamese, chinchilla, himalayan and albino, and steel, harlequin (japanese and magpie), and red. Copyright 2022 Tamuk Rabbits of California rabbitry - All Rights Reserved. Do I hear road trip to go get some? Tamuk rabbits have a large, broad heads with a straight profile and short, thick necks. Gives an overview of the rabbit research program at Texas A&M University-Kingsville, and lists different publications and resources. Just pure feed costs. The University Farm includes over 650 acres of native brush, improved pastures, irrigated and dry-land plots, feed mill, rodeo arena and horse facilities, and a covered livestock pavilion. You must log in or register to reply here. A Bates City woman was killed in an ATV crash Sunday afternoon north of Kingsville, Missouri. However, the average lifespan of a tamuk rabbit is 5-8 years. It may not display this or other websites correctly. JavaScript is disabled. WebRabbit Production. password. This was a lot less costly than I was expecting and proves to be a very affordable, high quality meat! You see Tamuk talked about a lot because the people who have them love them and get rather excited about them not to mention being able to raise them outside in unrabbit-friendly climates. KANSAS CITY, Mo. MOTHER EARTH NEWS: GUIDE TO GROWING YOUR OWN FOOD 3RD EDITION, E-BOOK, How to Raise Guinea Fowl: A Low-Maintenance Flock. Homemade biodiesel helps you speed past the gas station toward fuel independence. How do you know they arent just random mixed breeds? I'm hoping this will be an endeavor the kids can be involved with, and that they'll do well with the fact that we're eating what we raise. Composites are made up of a bunch of different breeds, so it is like a bubble gum machine to find out what colors you will have from these. We decided on the TAMUK Composite rabbits bred out of Texas A&M as they are a mix bred for heat tolerance. retrieve your Which does raise the issue of keeping full Tamuk stock available but there are a number of breeders striving to do that. Also of concern is possible disease transmission from human to animal. Aug 10, 2022. An APB representative can help you decide on precautions to safeguard your health. Gloves, masks and a laboratory coat (or other dedicated protective clothing such as a scrub suit) should be worn when working with rabbits. TAMUK X Rabbits - The University no longer breeds/raises rabbits. We ended up putting a metal roof and metal siding on the bunny barn to try and repel some of the heat. In summary, tamuk rabbits are a unique and interesting domestic rabbit breed developed at Texas A&M University in the 1960s. However, during those first 9 months we learned a ton, and realized that the survival rate for the litters would be greatly improved if we changed our approach to housing. TAMUK Texas A&M University of Kingsville rabbits TAMUK. WebTAMUK Texas A&M University of Kingsville rabbits TAMUK. 2012. For many years, especially while we still lived in suburbia, we followed popular homesteading families on YouTube like, Three of our first pure TAMUK bunnies from doe Sparkles and buck Two Face, The TAMUK rabbits are considered a composite breed as they are a cross of seven different breeds. This is what Dr. Lukefahr had to say on the Texas A&M website about both: Texas A&M University-Kingsville develops and maintains breeds of meat rabbit that are suitable for backyard or commercial meat production. Tamuk rabbits typically have litters of 4-6 kits, but larger litters are not uncommon. Although theyre known for their extreme heat tolerance, they handle the cold Iowa winters very well. TAMUK stands for Texas A&M University-Kingsville; it is the name of the facility, not a breed. Dr. They have a medium-length, dense coat that can come in various colours, including black, blue, chocolate, lilac, and red. Tamuk rabbits reach sexual maturity at around 5 months of age. If you're interested in a breeding bucks or does or would like to try some of our rabbit meat, please send us an email at. Tamuk isn't actually a breed which is why you can't find standards. Occasionally we would lose rabbits in the heat but with misters, a location where we had an almost constant breeze, trees, and an eastern exposure on a hillside (cliffside?) This composite maternal line is especially well adapted under HOT and HUMID conditions. Pros and Cons of Eating Duck Eggs vs Chicken Eggs. Rabbits raised in "clean" facilities are considered relatively free of zoonotic diseases unless they have been experimentally or accidentally infected with a human pathogen. They are in fact a semi random cross breed. It is one of the locations where the Altex breed was developed. I had to go look up TAMUK rabbits. Good for breeding stock. All the reviews claimed Tamuks were wonderful for heat resistance to 100+ degrees. WebThe University Farm accommodates both applied livestock management and basic physiological research projects. Rabbitries large & small in Texas and across America and on up into Canada. They have a medium-length, dense coat that can come in various colours, including black, blue, chocolate, lilac, and red. We decided on the TAMUK Composite rabbits bred out of Texas A&M as they are a mix bred for heat tolerance. Of course this doesnt account for their shelter or any accessories such as water bottles, or my daily time spent caring for them, but those types of things can be used for many years and so I did not factor in those costs. The name Tamuk comes from, Texas Apparently the folks there are playing with other breeds, including what might best be described as a multicolored meat mutt that they call the Composite. We do not have fancy- or show-rabbit stock. Do (female rabbits) weigh 12 pounds, and bucks (male rabbits) weigh up to 14 pounds? Their dressed weights {cleaned and gutted} averaged 5.5 lbs per rabbit. Male and Female available. Email. Once I knew the weights, I calculated that it cost me $1.25/lb to raise the rabbits. We had the opportunity to try Tamuk composites and fell in love with these big-eared Texas bunnies! Since then, she has run California-based Flicker Farm to accommodate meat pigs, mini Juliana pigs and pastured poultry, and to sell goats milk soap and lotion on Etsy. This worked well. Proudly created with Thanks for hanging out with us, and we hope to see you again soon! TAMUK rabbits are great pet/meat rabbits with excellent heat tolerance for the upcoming Texas heat! I have Californians for meat and find in Texas that sun is not a friend to the rabbits. This building houses our breeding does and bucks and their kits until they are old enough to be weaned and moved out onto grass. Also, some breeders place order for only white (albino) animals if they are selling fryers commercially where a premium is paid for white body fur. #2. Processing the rabbits was very quick, each one took me approximately 15 minutes from start to finish. Misters and fans worked well on our rabbitry. We sell both pure TAMUK breeding stock as well as utilize them in our meat production. We raised rabbits for meat and sale for many years before moving to our current location. JavaScript is disabled. I didnt account for hay as I feed them what my goats waste, and supplement them with lots of forage from around the property and greens I grow in my garden. I also kept lights on the rabbitry so the rabbits would continue to breed all winter long. One of our does took three separate breedings for have a successful litter, the other was successful on her first breeding. These rabbits still exist in the wild in Europe, a much colder climate. 409 Swan Way, Vallejo, California 94589, United States. During the years our children took it over for dairy goats and sheep. They are related - will not make breeding We had some occasional deaths, but by removing all bedding from the nest boxes in am in hot spells, and putting it back in evening, we reduced heat deaths. Transitioning to meat rabbits was a great choice for us, one I recommend trying if you are looking to add a sustainable meat source for your family. Build a swimming pool without relying on manufactured materials and chemical additives. WebAustin Family Rabbitry We have a small, family-run pasture raised rabbit operation in the suburbs of Austin. The organ meats were saved for a delicious liver, heart and kidney pt. Connect with Nicole on Instagram and Facebook, and read all of her MOTHER EARTH NEWS postshere. While watching Justin Rhodes and his family, we were introduced to Joel Salatin of Polyface Farms. Tamuk/Californian Rabbits $30. I'm hoping rabbits will work out better. Since we are moving to Texas and will be setting up a rabbitry, another friend suggested we look into the new TAMU-K breed. Tamuk rabbits: Everything you need to know, New Zealand White: The Most Underrated Rabbit Breed, Comprehensive Guide To Raising A Cottontail Rabbit. The University Farm includes over 650 acres of native brush, improved pastures, irrigated and dry-land plots, feed mill, rodeo arena and horse facilities, and a covered livestock pavilion. This article will delve into the history, physical characteristics, diet, reproduction, lifespan, and potential pets of tamuk rabbits. WebTamuk rabbits have a sturdy, rectangular body shape and strong legs. The kits will start to eat solid food at around 3-4 weeks and will be fully weaned at around 8 weeks. Were a small family run rabbitry, begun in 2021, with NZ and Champagne. The photo above shows our Rakken set up this past winter (January 2022) during a particularly cold spell. Perfect for the commercial breeder OR just a backyard breeder who is interested Tamuk rabbits are a breed of domestic rabbits that was developed at Texas A&M University in the 1960s. This article will go over the history, physical characteristics, diet, reproduction, lifespan, and potential as pets of tamuk rabbits. So, what makes a Tamuk rabbit? Tamuk rabbits, also known as Texas A&M University rabbits, are a unique breed developed at Texas A&M University in the 1960s. The following links describe some of the potential illnesses associated with rabbits and may be found on-line: Bites or scratches involving these rabbits or injuries from objects contaminated with body fluids from rabbits require immediate first aid and medical attention. At this point, the kits can be separated from their mother and placed in a separate cage. They will be 8 weeks old February 17th. But people, out of curiosity or nutritional reason, might be interested in trying some other type of eggs, like duck eggs. Many commercial rabbitproducers sell both the organ-ic material in bags and baitworms in cartons as a supple-mental source of income. The cages that our breeding stock live in are made of 1/2 by 1/2 inch welded wire on the bottoms with 1 by 1 inch welded wire on the other 5 sides. 10-12 week old (ready now) Located in Austin right off Mopac/2222 in 78757. The litter size should increase with subsequent litters. And the garden gold they gave us! You are using an out of date browser. This information is provided to assist you in understanding the potential occupational hazards associated with the use of rabbits and the need in some instances to take precautions to minimize the potential for animal-to-human zoonotic disease. Please call or text 5 one 2 - seven zero 5 - 3 nine ei8ht five. They were New Zealand / Californian crosses. The Tamuk Composite breed of Rabbits are truly multi purpose! They have good temperament, good mothering instincts and are very thrifty with feed. What is a tamuk composite rabbit? Information on pool zoning, natural filtration, and algae control. TAMUK breeders in Red, other breeds in Green (Map maintained by TAMUK breeder). Get a free Rabbit diet guide with our weekly Newsletter on rabbits health, care and training. Use tab to navigate through the menu items.